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You can search for vulnerabilities managed by JVN (Japan Vulnerability Note) and NVD (National Vulnerability Database).
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JVN Vulnerability Information

Update Date":Jan. 2, 2025, 6 p.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Impact
195931 8.5 危険 Debian - scponly における任意のファイルを実行される脆弱性 CWE-94
CVE-2007-6415 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-08-10 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195932 7.5 危険 adultscript - Adult Script の admin/administrator.php における認証を回避される脆弱性 CWE-255
CVE-2007-6414 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-17 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195933 6.8 警告 Bitweaver - Bitweaver の wiki/index.php における任意の PHP コードを挿入される脆弱性 CWE-94
CVE-2007-6412 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-17 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195934 4.3 警告 gadu-gadu - Gadu-Gadu の GG Client の HandleEmotsConfig 関数におけるバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2007-6411 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-17 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195935 4.3 警告 gadu-gadu - Gadu-Gadu におけるクロスサイトリクエストフォージェリ攻撃の脆弱性 CWE-352
CVE-2007-6410 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-17 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195936 4.3 警告 gadu-gadu - Gadu-Gadu の gg プロトコルハンドラにおけるサービス運用妨害 (DoS) の脆弱性 CWE-16
CVE-2007-6409 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-17 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195937 4.3 警告 CA Technologies - CA eTrust Threat Management Console におけるクロスサイトスクリプティングの脆弱性 CWE-79
CVE-2007-6406 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-17 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195938 6.5 警告 ace image hosting script - Ace Image Hosting Script の albums.php における SQL インジェクションの脆弱性 CWE-89
CVE-2007-6393 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-17 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195939 7.5 危険 dominion web - DWdirectory における SQL インジェクションの脆弱性 CWE-89
CVE-2007-6392 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-17 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
195940 2.1 注意 GNOME Project - GNOME screensaver の通知機能におけるクリップボードの内容などを読まれる脆弱性 CWE-DesignError
CVE-2007-6389 2012-06-26 15:54 2007-12-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
NVD Vulnerability Information

Update Date:Jan. 3, 2025, 4:07 a.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Show Affected Exploit
270991 - bbsxp bbsxp Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in BBSXP 2008 SP2 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the URI in a request to (1) AddPost.asp, (2) AddTopic.asp, (3) … CWE-79
Cross-site Scripting
CVE-2010-1276 2010-04-7 13:00 2010-04-7 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
270992 - pulsecms pulse_cms Directory traversal vulnerability in view.php in Pulse CMS 1.2.2 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via directory traversal sequences in the f parameter. NOTE: the provenance of this in… CWE-22
Path Traversal
CVE-2010-1298 2010-04-7 13:00 2010-04-7 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
270993 - pulsecms pulse_cms per: '2) Input passed via the "f" parameter to view.php is not properly sanitised before being used to read files. This can be exploited to disclose the content… CWE-22
Path Traversal
CVE-2010-1298 2010-04-7 13:00 2010-04-7 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
270994 - novell netware_ftp_server
NWFTPD.nlm before 5.08.06 in the FTP server in Novell NetWare does not properly handle partial matches for container names in the FTPREST.TXT file, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended ac… CWE-264
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CVE-2007-6735 2010-04-6 23:22 2010-04-6 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
270995 - foxitsoftware foxit_reader Foxit Reader before allows remote attackers to (1) execute arbitrary local programs via a certain "/Type /Action /S /Launch" sequence, and (2) execute arbitrary programs embedded in a PDF … CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2010-1239 2010-04-6 13:00 2010-04-6 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
270996 - novell netware_ftp_server
NWFTPD.nlm before 5.08.07 in the FTP server in Novell NetWare 6.5 SP7 does not properly implement the FTPREST.TXT NOREMOTE restriction, which allows remote authenticated users to access directories o… CWE-264
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CVE-2007-6734 2010-04-6 13:00 2010-04-6 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
270997 - novell netware_ftp_server
NWFTPD.nlm before 5.06.05 in the FTP server in Novell NetWare 6.5 SP5 allows attackers to have an unspecified impact via vectors related to passwords. NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2005-4887 2010-04-6 13:00 2010-04-6 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
270998 - novell netware_ftp_server
NWFTPD.nlm before 5.06.04 in the FTP server in Novell NetWare allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (excessive stale connections) by establishing many FTP sessions, which persist in th… NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-4888 2010-04-6 13:00 2010-04-6 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
270999 - novell netware_ftp_server
NWFTPD.nlm before 5.04.25 in the FTP server in Novell NetWare does not promptly close DS sessions, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (connection slot exhaustion) by establish… CWE-264
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CVE-2004-2767 2010-04-6 13:00 2010-04-6 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
271000 - novell netware_ftp_server
Multiple buffer overflows in NWFTPD.nlm in the FTP server in Novell NetWare 6.0 before SP4 and 6.5 before SP1 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (abend) via a long (1) username or (2… CWE-119
Incorrect Access of Indexable Resource ('Range Error') 
CVE-2003-1592 2010-04-6 13:00 2010-04-6 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm