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You can search for vulnerabilities managed by JVN (Japan Vulnerability Note) and NVD (National Vulnerability Database).
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JVN Vulnerability Information

Update Date":Dec. 27, 2024, 6 p.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Impact
198471 6.8 警告 doika - Doika guestbook の gbook.php におけるクロスサイトスクリプティングの脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4325 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-21 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198472 6.8 警告 cityforfree - CityForFree indexcity の add_url2.php におけるクロスサイトスクリプティングの脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4324 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-23 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198473 3.6 注意 Globus - Globus Toolkit における重要な情報を取得される脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4233 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-18 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198474 1.2 注意 Globus - Globus Toolkit の grid-proxy-init tool における資格情報を盗まれる脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4232 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-18 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198475 4.6 警告 Debian - man-db の man におけるバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4250 2012-06-26 15:37 2007-04-6 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198476 7.5 危険 cityforfree - CityForFree indexcity の list.php における SQL インジェクションの脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4323 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-23 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198477 7.5 危険 bits-dont-bite - Mambo 用の EstateAgent コンポーネントの estateagent.php における PHP リモートファイルインクルージョンの脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4322 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-23 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198478 7.5 危険 Coppermine Photo Gallery - Mambo の cpg コンポーネント の cpg.php における PHP リモートファイルインクルージョンの脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4321 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-23 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198479 5 警告 シスコシステムズ - Cisco VPN 3000 シリーズコンセントレータにおけるファイルを変更するための CWD コマンドなどを実行される脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4313 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-23 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
198480 10 危険 ak-systems - AK-Systems Windows Terminal ExVLP の VNC サーバにおける RDP または Citrix のセッションを表示される脆弱性 - CVE-2006-4309 2012-06-26 15:37 2006-08-23 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
NVD Vulnerability Information

Update Date:Dec. 27, 2024, 4:04 a.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Show Affected Exploit
268061 - oracle database_10g Unspecified vulnerability in the SQL*Plus Windows GUI component in Oracle Database allows remote authenticated users to affect confidentiality via unknown vectors. NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5439 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268062 - oracle enterprise_manager_grid_control_10g Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Enterprise Manager component in Oracle Enterprise Manager allows remote authenticated users to affect confidentiality and integrity via unknown vector… NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5447 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268063 - oracle e-business_suite
Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Applications Platform Engineering component in Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.10 CU2 and 12.0.6 allows local users to affect confidentiality via unknown vectors. NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5450 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268064 - jdedwards
Unspecified vulnerability in the JD Edwards Tools component in Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne allows remote authenticated users to affect confidentiality via unkno… NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5451 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268065 - jdedwards
Unspecified vulnerability in the PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS component in Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.9.18 allows remote authenticated users to affect confidentiality a… NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5452 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268066 - oracle e-business_suite_11i
Unspecified vulnerability in the iProcurement component in Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.10 CU2 and 12.0.6 allows remote authenticated users to affect confidentiality and integrity via unknown vectors. NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5454 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268067 - jdedwards
Unspecified vulnerability in the PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS - ePerformance component in Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.9.18 allows remote authenticated users to affect co… NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5455 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268068 - oracle jd_edwards_enterpriseone
Unspecified vulnerability in the PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS component in Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.9.18 and 9.0.8 allows remote authenticated users to affect confide… NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5456 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268069 - oracle bea_product_suite Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle BEA WebLogic Server Plugins for Apache, Sun and IIS web servers component in BEA Product Suite 10.3, 10.0 MP1, 9.2 MP3, 9.1, 9.0, 8.1 SP6, and 7.0 SP7 allows r… NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5457 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
268070 - oracle e-business_suite
Unspecified vulnerability in the Oracle Application Object Library component in Oracle E-Business Suite 11.5.10 and CU2 allows remote authenticated users to affect confidentiality and integrity via u… NVD-CWE-noinfo
CVE-2008-5458 2012-10-23 11:56 2009-01-14 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm