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You can search for vulnerabilities managed by JVN (Japan Vulnerability Note) and NVD (National Vulnerability Database).
Search keywords must be entered in English otherwise will not be searched in both JVN and NVD.

To search by CWE, please refer to the CWE Overview and check the CWE number.

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JVN Vulnerability Information

Update Date":Feb. 3, 2025, 1:14 p.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Impact
199921 7.8 危険 アップル - Apple Safari におけるサービス運用妨害 (DoS) の脆弱性 CWE-399
CVE-2007-3185 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199922 7.2 危険 アップル
- Cisco Trust Agent (CTA) におけるパスワードを含むシステムプリファレンスを変更される脆弱性 - CVE-2007-3184 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199923 10 危険 Firebird Project - Firebird SQL 2 の fbserver.exe におけるバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性 - CVE-2007-3181 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199924 5 警告 Almnzm - Almnzm における重要な情報を取得される脆弱性 - CVE-2007-3173 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199925 9.3 危険 EdrawSoft - edrawofficeviewer.ocx の特定の ActiveX コントロール におけるバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2007-3169 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199926 7.8 危険 EdrawSoft - edrawofficeviewer.ocx の特定の ActiveX コントロールにおける任意のファイルを削除される脆弱性 CWE-DesignError
CVE-2007-3168 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199927 5 警告 frederico caldeira knabben - Frederico Caldeira Knabben FCKeditor の filemanager における任意の .php ファイルをアップロードされる脆弱性 - CVE-2007-3163 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199928 10 危険 EGroupware - eGroupWare における詳細不明な脆弱性 - CVE-2007-3155 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199929 10 危険 EGroupware - eGroupWare で使用される Walter Zorn wz_tooltip.js における詳細不明な脆弱性 - CVE-2007-3154 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
199930 5 警告 Haxx - Windows 以外のプラットフォームで稼動する c-ares の ares_init:randomize_key 関数における DNS レスポンスを偽装される脆弱性 - CVE-2007-3153 2012-06-26 15:46 2007-06-11 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
NVD Vulnerability Information

Update Date:Feb. 22, 2025, 4:08 a.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Show Affected Exploit
273831 - include.cgi include.cgi Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the include.cgi script allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the argument. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1297 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-04-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273832 - inserter.cgi inserter.cgi The inserter.cgi script allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a full pathname in the argument. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1298 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-04-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273833 - - - The inserter.cgi script allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via shell metacharacters in the argument. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1299 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-04-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273834 - inserter.cgi inserter.cgi Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the inserter.cgi script allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the argument. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1300 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-04-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273835 - nprotect netizen nProtect:Netizen 2005.3.17.1 does not properly verify that the update module is downloaded from an authorized site, which allows remote malicious web sites to write arbitrary files. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1301 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-04-13 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273836 - swsoft confixx SQL injection vulnerability in Confixx 3.08 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the "change user" field. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1302 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-05-2 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273837 - The script allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a full pathname in the argument. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1303 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-04-24 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273838 - - - The script allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary files via shell metacharacters in the argument. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1304 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-05-2 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273839 - hyper.cgi hyper.cgi The hyper.cgi script allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a full pathname in the argument. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1305 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-05-2 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
273840 - matthieu_aubry phpmyvisites set_lang.php in phpMyVisites 1.3 allows remote attackers to read and include arbitrary files via the mylang parameter. NVD-CWE-Other
CVE-2005-1325 2016-10-18 12:18 2005-05-2 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm