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You can search for vulnerabilities managed by JVN (Japan Vulnerability Note) and NVD (National Vulnerability Database).
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JVN Vulnerability Information

Update Date":Jan. 24, 2025, 6:02 p.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Impact
206681 4.3 警告 Opera Software ASA - Opera におけるクロスサイトスクリプティングの脆弱性 CWE-79
CVE-2011-2609 2011-07-25 11:48 2011-06-28 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206682 7.2 危険 マイクロソフト - Microsoft Windows の CSRSS における権限昇格またはサービス運用妨害 (メモリ破損) の脆弱性 CWE-189
CVE-2011-1870 2011-07-25 11:12 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206683 7.2 危険 マイクロソフト - Microsoft Windows の CSRSS における権限昇格またはサービス運用妨害 (メモリ破損) の脆弱性 CWE-189
CVE-2011-1284 2011-07-25 11:11 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206684 7.2 危険 マイクロソフト - Microsoft Windows の CSRSS における権限昇格またはサービス運用妨害 (メモリ破損) の脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2011-1283 2011-07-25 11:10 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206685 7.2 危険 マイクロソフト - Microsoft Windows の CSRSS における権限昇格またはサービス運用妨害 (メモリ破損) の脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2011-1282 2011-07-25 11:10 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206686 7.2 危険 マイクロソフト - Microsoft Windows の CSRSS における権限昇格またはサービス運用妨害 (メモリ破損) の脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2011-1281 2011-07-25 11:09 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206687 9.3 危険 マイクロソフト - Microsoft Visio 2003 における権限昇格の脆弱性 CWE-Other
CVE-2010-3148 2011-07-25 11:07 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206688 2.1 注意 マイクロソフト - Microsoft Windows XP の win32k.sys における任意のデータを読まれる脆弱性 CWE-Other
CVE-2011-1886 2011-07-22 10:52 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206689 7.2 危険 マイクロソフト - Microsoft Windows の win32k.sys における権限昇格の脆弱性 CWE-Other
CVE-2011-1888 2011-07-22 10:51 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
206690 7.2 危険 マイクロソフト
- Microsoft Windows の win32k.sys における権限昇格の脆弱性 CWE-Other
CVE-2011-1887 2011-07-22 10:50 2011-07-12 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
NVD Vulnerability Information

Update Date:Jan. 25, 2025, 4:09 a.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Show Affected Exploit
258791 - tcl_tk tcl_tk Buffer overflow in the ReadImage function in generic/tkImgGIF.c in Tcl (Tcl/Tk) 8.4.13 through 8.4.15 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via multi-frame interlaced GIF files in which l… CWE-119
Incorrect Access of Indexable Resource ('Range Error') 
CVE-2007-5137 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-09-29 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258792 - lustig lustig.cms PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in forum/forum.php in lustig.cms BETA 2.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the view parameter. CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2007-5138 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-09-29 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258793 - chupix chupix_cms PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in admin/include/header.php in chupix 0.2.3, when register_globals is enabled, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the repertoir… CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2007-5139 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-09-29 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258794 - integramod nederland PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in includes/archive/archive_topic.php in IntegraMOD Nederland 1.4.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the phpbb_root_path para… CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2007-5140 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-09-29 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258795 - php_fidonet_tosser
PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in phfito-post.php in Alex Kocharin PHP Fidonet Tosser (PhFiTo) 1.3.0 in phpFidoNode allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the SRC… CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2007-5157 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-10-1 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258796 - actsite actsite PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability lib/base.php in actSite 1.991 Beta allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the BaseCfg[BaseDir] parameter. CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2007-5175 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-10-3 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258797 - mambads
SQL injection vulnerability in index.php in the MambAds (com_mambads) 1.5 and earlier component for Mambo allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the caid parameter. CWE-89
SQL Injection
CVE-2007-5177 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-10-3 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258798 - mxbb mx_glance contrib/mx_glance_sdesc.php in the mx_glance 2.3.3 module for mxBB places a critical security check within a comment because of a missing comment delimiter, which allows remote attackers to conduct r… CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2007-5178 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-10-3 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258799 - phpwcms-xt phpwcms-xt Multiple PHP remote file inclusion vulnerabilities in phpWCMS XT 0.0.7 BETA and earlier allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the HTML_MENU_DirPath parameter to (1) config… CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2007-5185 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-10-3 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258800 - segue_cms segue_cms PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in index.php in Segue CMS 1.8.4 and earlier, when register_globals is disabled, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the themesdi… CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2007-5186 2017-09-29 10:29 2007-10-3 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm