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You can search for vulnerabilities managed by JVN (Japan Vulnerability Note) and NVD (National Vulnerability Database).
Search keywords must be entered in English otherwise will not be searched in both JVN and NVD.

To search by CWE, please refer to the CWE Overview and check the CWE number.

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JVN Vulnerability Information

Update Date":Jan. 19, 2025, 2 p.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Impact
208111 5 警告 日立 - JP1/ServerConductor/Control Manager におけるサービス運用妨害 (DoS) の脆弱性 CWE-noinfo
- 2010-08-26 16:55 2010-07-30 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208112 7.8 危険 日立 - Cosminexus 製品におけるサービス運用妨害 (DoS) の脆弱性 CWE-noinfo
- 2010-08-26 16:55 2010-07-30 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208113 4.3 警告 サイバートラスト株式会社
- Apache Tomcat のサンプル用 calendar アプリケーションにおけるクロスサイトスクリプティングの脆弱性 CWE-79
CVE-2009-2696 2010-08-25 17:05 2010-08-2 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208114 4.3 警告 インターネットイニシアティブ - SEIL/X シリーズおよび SEIL/B1 における IPv6 Unicast RPF 機能に関する脆弱性 CWE-Other
CVE-2010-2363 2010-08-25 12:01 2010-08-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208115 4.6 警告 レッドハット - LVM2 のクラスタ論理ボリュームマネージャデーモンにおけるサービス運用妨害 (DoS) の脆弱性 CWE-287
CVE-2010-2526 2010-08-24 18:42 2010-07-28 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208116 9.3 危険 シマンテック
- Autonomy KeyView の WordPerfect 5.x reader (wosr.dll) におけるヒープベースのバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2010-0135 2010-08-24 18:42 2010-08-4 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208117 9.3 危険 シマンテック
- Autonomy KeyView の library におけるヒープベースのバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2010-0126 2010-08-24 18:41 2010-08-4 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208118 9.3 危険 シマンテック
- Lotus 1-2-3 reader (wkssr.dll) の SpreadSheet における任意のコードを実行される脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2010-1524 2010-08-24 18:41 2010-08-4 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208119 9.3 危険 シマンテック
- Lotus 1-2-3 reader (wkssr.dll) の SpreadSheet における任意のコードを実行される脆弱性 CWE-189
CVE-2010-1525 2010-08-24 18:41 2010-08-4 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
208120 9.3 危険 シマンテック
- Lotus 1-2-3 reader (wkssr.dll) の SpreadSheet におけるスタックベースのバッファオーバーフローの脆弱性 CWE-119
CVE-2010-0133 2010-08-24 18:40 2010-08-4 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
NVD Vulnerability Information

Update Date:Jan. 19, 2025, 4:13 a.m.

No CVSS Level
Attach Vector
Vendor Name Project Name Title CWE CVE Update Date Publication Date Show Affected Exploit
258871 - phpprobid php_pro_bid SQL injection vulnerability in auction_details.php in PHP Pro Bid allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the auction_id parameter. CWE-89
SQL Injection
CVE-2009-3336 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258872 - effectmatrix magic_morph Stack-based buffer overflow in EffectMatrix (E.M.) Magic Morph 1.95b allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long string in a .mor file. CWE-119
Incorrect Access of Indexable Resource ('Range Error') 
CVE-2009-3338 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258873 - hotwebscripts hotweb_rentals SQL injection vulnerability in details.asp in HotWeb Rentals allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the PropId parameter. CWE-89
SQL Injection
CVE-2009-3343 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258874 - datavore gyro Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Datavore Gyro 5.0 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the cid parameter in a cat action to the home component. CWE-79
Cross-site Scripting
CVE-2009-3348 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258875 - datavore gyro SQL injection vulnerability in Datavore Gyro 5.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the cid parameter in a cat action to the home component. CWE-89
SQL Injection
CVE-2009-3349 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258876 - plohni image_voting SQL injection vulnerability in index.php in Image voting 1.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the show parameter. CWE-89
SQL Injection
CVE-2009-3356 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258877 - tourismscripts adult_portal_escort_listing SQL injection vulnerability in profile.php in Tourism Scripts Adult Portal escort listing allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the user_id parameter. CWE-89
SQL Injection
CVE-2009-3358 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258878 - paul_gibbs php-ipnmonitor SQL injection vulnerability in index.php in PHP-IPNMonitor allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the maincat_id parameter. CWE-89
SQL Injection
CVE-2009-3361 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258879 - ftpshell ftpshell Stack-based buffer overflow in FTPShell Client 4.1 RC2 allows remote FTP servers to execute arbitrary code via a long response to a PASV command. CWE-119
Incorrect Access of Indexable Resource ('Range Error') 
CVE-2009-3364 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm
258880 - traza aurora PHP remote file inclusion vulnerability in add-ons/modules/sysmanager/plugins/install.plugin.php in Aurora CMS 1.0.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a URL in the AURORA_MODU… CWE-94
Code Injection
CVE-2009-3365 2017-09-19 10:29 2009-09-25 Show GitHub Exploit DB Packet Storm